How to Prepare for a Tropical Storm

Las Flores, OC photo by Tarek Jadeba

Hey SoCal Fam! 🌴 Brace yourselves, as we gear up for the first tropical storm💙🌊 since '39! It's better to be over prepared than under prepared Safety first, so here's a quick prep guide:

1. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on local news, official weather updates,
and alerts. Follow @ReadyOC, @ReadyLA. Sign up for alerts at,,,

2. Emergency Kit: Assemble essentials – water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, medications, and first aid supplies. Stay ready, stay safe!

3. Secure Outdoor Items: Bring in or secure loose outdoor objects like patio furniture, potted plants, and decorations to prevent damage.

4. Home Safety: Trim weak branches and ensure roofs and windows are secure. Clear gutters and drains to avoid water buildup.

5. POWER: Charge your devices and power banks. Stay connected to loved ones and emergency updates. Get additional ice for your freezers in case the power does go out.

6. Travel Plans: Postpone unnecessary travel. If driving is unavoidable, stay cautious on slippery roads.

7. Stay Indoors: When the storm hits, stay indoors. Avoid flooded areas and don't risk crossing water-covered roads.

8. Communication: Keep your neighbors informed about your plans and offer help if needed. Community support matters!

9. Pet Prep: Don't forget your furry friends! Stock up on pet food, medications, and ensure a safe shelter for them.

10. Stay Calm: It's natural to feel anxious, but staying calm helps you think clearly and make safe decisions.
Let's come together and face this storm with preparedness and care. Your safety matters most! 🙌

@tarek.jadeba, thank you for this wonderful photo! You’re amazing!



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